preschooler bikes at michael lane preschool in lafayatte, california
preschoolers learning at michael lane preschool in lafayatte, california


Application Process

We have a rolling admissions policy.  Applications can be submitted at any time throughout the school year for the following school year.

There is a $75 non-refundable application fee due at the time an application is submitted.

Children must be 2 years 9 months to attend our program.  We accept children who are 2 years 9 months at any time providing there is space available in the program. However, children who are 2 years 9 months may only attend 2 days per week.  Children must be 3 years old by September 1st to attend 3 or 5 days per week.

Admission is granted in the following order of priority:

  1. Child(ren) currently enrolled in the program.

  2. Sibling(s) of current/previously enrolled child(ren)

  3. Members of St. Anselm’s Episcopal Church

  4. Application Date

Parents of currently enrolled children will have priority to choose the number of days they wish to attend each week for the following school year until February 15th.

Classes will be set by March 15th of each year based on priority as noted above.


We offer a choice (provided space is available) of 2, 3 or 5 day participation each week.  Rates are available upon request.

The lunch option is offered at an additional charge per day based on the number of days your child stays for lunch.